My Summer Solstice Re-Emergence

How I'm Ditching the Performance of Professionalism & Embracing Radical Authenticity

Originally written in July 2024

The summer solstice (June 20, 2024), a day marking the shift from spring's outward energy to summer's inward reflection, recently passed, and I've been reflecting on its significance in my own life. This seasonal transition mirrors an internal one I'm experiencing. My external world is thriving – I've fully embraced my role as an executive coach for emerging leaders, and am actively building connections with clients. Yet, beneath the surface, I feel a disconnect. My inner world seems sluggish, struggling to keep pace with the "go, go, go" energy and momentum of my reality.

Did you know our inner worlds often mirror the outer world? It's just like nature! There are seasons of rapid growth, followed by a necessary pause for integration and recalibration. Maybe that's where I am right now – in a period of inner recalibration after so much outward change.

My inner and outer worlds are out of sync, out of season if you will. Lately, I’ve been making efforts to reconnect with my professional network, but my attempts have felt awkward and forced. I couldn't quite figure out what was off. But now I realize I've shared all the external "doing" that has professionally changed me, but not the internal shifts of who I've become in that process. People know I've transitioned from employee to entrepreneur, and I've posted online about launching my businesses. But what I haven't shared is how far I've come, how much I've grown, and who I've become as a result. No wonder it feels awkward; I haven't given folks a 360Β° status update!

But how do I bridge this gap? The gap between who I've been (and how people might know me) and who I've become. How can I show up authentically in my professional spaces, as my evolved self? How can I integrate my personal evolution into my professional re-emergence and rebuild relationships on a deeper level?

So here it is – my professional re-emergence, inspired by the recent summer solstice. A shedding of old layers and an invitation to witness who I've become.

A Whirlwind of Transformation 

The past few years have been a whirlwind of personal and professional changes. I left the corporate world (and my beloved Bay Area) during the height of the pandemic. I moved into tech-philanthropy, where I stepped into a managerial role in the DEI space. Along the way, I relocated across the country, got married, and turned thirty – all major life transitions in their own right. 

Amidst these changes, I discovered my true passion: the deep, one-on-one connections I formed with colleagues and team members. I found joy in seeing people's whole selves and unlimited potential, guiding them towards their own visions and goals. This realization sparked my interest in coaching, particularly in supporting professionals navigating similar transitions and uncertainties.

Inspired by this newfound purpose, I took a leap of faith into entrepreneurship as an executive coach. The journey wasn't without its challenges – partnerships that didn't pan out, confronting personal fears and insecurities, and unexpected life events that required my full attention. Yet, these obstacles only strengthened my resolve and clarified my vision for a more human-centered approach to leadership coaching.

Today, I stand firm in my passion for people and transformation. As an executive coach, I'm dedicated to helping emerging leaders navigate their careers with authenticity and purpose, drawing from my own experiences of growth and change.

Lost in the β€œShoulds”

Throughout this journey, I often found myself dabblingβ€”trying on different approaches and strategies, always chasing some externally-defined version of success. I curated and presented a highlight reel of my journey, performing the role of someone who had it all together. In the corporate world, this meant navigating murky political waters while trying to stay true to myself and my integrity. As an entrepreneur, it meant chasing the popular methodologies of online gurus, only to find they felt inauthentic and forced for me. I even experimented with bro marketing and various social media tactics, but those left me feeling drained and disconnected from my audience. Ultimately, I realized I was role-playing instead of just being me. As I began coaching, I realized that many of my clients were grappling with similar pressures to conform to external expectations. This parallel journey deepened my commitment to authenticity, both for myself and those I support.

The pressure to perform professionalism as I knew it was a driving force behind many of these "shoulds." I felt a constant urge to project a polished image of success and fulfillment in my new endeavors. . Alongside this, my long-standing battle with perfectionism only intensified this pressure.

Looking back, I can see that I was operating from a place of fear and insecurity. I didn't trust myself to forge my own path, believing that the answers lay outside of me. This lack of self-trust prevented me from experimenting with my unique way of doing things, as it felt so different from the strategies I'd been taught. But the truth is, those external "shoulds" never led me to the fulfillment, alignment, or authenticity I craved.

The approaching summer solstice, however, felt like an invitation to turn inward and re-evaluate. Was it possible to shed these expectations and forge an authentic professional presence – one that was truly mine?

Summer Solstice: A Turning Point 

The universe seemed to be sending a clear message: stop trying to be someone you're not. I had been so focused on proving myself, on striving for an unattainable ideal of professionalism, that I had lost touch with my own inner compass. It was time to stop seeking external validation and start trusting my own intuition. It was time to let go of the "shoulds" and embrace the unique path unfolding before me. It was time to simply be me, unapologetically.

Embracing Authenticity

This year's summer solstice marked a turning point in my professional journey. As I shed the old layers of trying to be someone I'm not, I'm stepping into a new phase of authenticity and integration. The artificial separation between "professional me" and "personal me" is dissolving. There's just me – a complex, multifaceted, and passionate individual who is constantly evolving.

Embracing radical authenticity feels vulnerable, like swimming against the current of curated online personas and polished elevator pitches. But it's also incredibly liberating. I'm trusting that by being true to myself, I'll attract the right opportunities, collaborations, and relationships.

From now on, I'm bringing my whole self to the table – strengths, passions, intensity, imperfections, and all. No more masks, no more performing. Just me, showing up as I am, ready to connect with others who resonate with this authentic approach. I'm especially excited to work with those who are also navigating their own journey towards authenticity in their professional lives.

This next phase of my professional life is all about building genuine connections with like-minded people, doing work that makes a difference, and staying true to myself.

Share this with someone who might appreciate a reminder of their own authentic power ❀️‍πŸ”₯